Practice Period Guidelines
- Write down your planned sitting schedule for the month (how often, how long). This should be your minimal commitment. For Practice Period we ask that you make a sincere effort to maintain this commitment.
- State where you think you might be most stuck in your practice. Write down how, specifically, you will address this during Practice Period.
- State specifically how you plan to make your practice more continuous throughout the day, such as using 'menu' items. You can choose from the menu list below or add your own.
- Spend at least one hour a week in formal study (reading, writing, listening to recordings).
- Attend daisan (or call if you live outside San Diego County), focusing on what you wrote down is most difficult for you to practice with.
- If possible, attend the 3 day October sesshin.
- Come to at least 2 sitting blocks a week from start to finish.
- Prioritize coming to Saturday talk and Wednesday night practice group.
- Prioritize attending Sunday morning sittings and Saturday afternoon workshops as scheduled.
- Prioritize the closing ceremony to end Practice Period on Saturday, October 12, at 11:00 a.m.
Focus on one for an entire day, changing each day
- Basic awareness menus: Follow the breath, be aware of sounds, posture, etc.
- Emotion-based menus (Me–stuff): Non-manifestation of negative emotions, saying yes to fear (criticism, rejection), no blaming/complaining, etc.
- Heart Practices: Gratitude practice, loving kindness, breath into chest center, etc.
See menu items for more suggestions.